
Locations of printing devices (PrintingPoint)

Black and white prints can be printed with PrintingPoint devices.

Aalto University printing services are renewed in November - December 2024. The new printing system is provided by Ricoh. The current Canon printing system and devices will be phased out.

These instructions are for the Canon printing system.

Updated 4 September 2024.


Konetekniikka (Otakaari 4)

In front of IT classroom 148

Undergraduate Centre (Otakaari 1)

Classroom A046 

Printing room U114b 

3rd floor Y hallway, in the middle

3rd floor U353 

Student hub Y176 

Otakaari 7

Printing room 332a 

Learning centre (Otaniementie 9)

1st floor 105b 

2nd floor 212a 

Rakentajanaukio 4

2nd floor, open space


1621 hallway

1192 hallway

Kemistintie 1D


T-Talo (Konemiehentie 2)

Student hub, library 

VÄRE (Otaniementie 14)

0 floor, in front of F008 space for DIY printing and scanning 

1st floor In front of R106/R107 beside class R102 

2nd floor in public place in front of Food & Co restaurant 

VÄRE (Ekonominaukio 1)

1st floor 1007 Learning hub 


Lönnrotinkatu 5

2nd floor Aquarium

3rd floor, hallway

Printing with Canon multi-function devices (Mac and SecurePrint)

The printer queue and its drivers are automatically installed on OS X 10.7 and newer Mac computers in maintenance by the IT Services, so you do not have to worry about the deployment of the printer queue.

Printing with a SecurePrint queue from your own Linux computer

Printing from your own Linux computer to Aalto University’s printing server can only be done from trusted networks (wired networks and Eduroam, for instance).

Printing in Aalto's Linux

A print queue called secureprintps has been added to Aalto University’s Ubuntu workstations and general servers, which is the default printer on most computers. When you want to print something, select secureprintps from the printer menu.

Printing at Aalto University

Read about printing at Aalto University

Mobile printing

Mobile printing is available for students and staff members at Aalto University with a valid Aalto email ID.

Tools for Creative Practices

The big list of machines, tools and workshops across Aalto University campus for Artistic and Creative Practices.

People working with sketches on a table
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IT Services

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